Monday, August 29, 2005

Your mother was a sheperdess...

Nanayama Waterfall Climb - Sunday, August 21

I was told that this waterfall climb would be easy, so when I signed up, I was all “Pfft! Whatever – I`m all over this beeatch!” Silly Rabbit.

Nanayama is in the Saga Prefecture, about 1 hour from Saga City – gorgeous countryside and rolling green hills and a plethora of waterfalls to choose from!

Made my way with hundreds of other waterfall enthusiasts in the rain, which started off easily enough – yikes, that rock was slippery, ouch, that rock severely damaged my chin, and so on for about an hour before I came face to face with the craziest mo-fo waterfalls and rapids I have yet to see. I`m sorry, I must have not read that Kanji properly, I`m supposed to climb up that?!?

Apparently Japanese children under age of 15 are half-human, half-mountain goat – demonstrated by how fast they jumped from slimy rock to slimy rock with apparent ease in their little two-toe shoes, which I have since referred to as “the camel toes”.

At some points we had to break out the Baywatch and swim our asses off against the current to grab onto a slippery rock that would eventually guide us to other slippery rocks that we had to climb up – there was more than one instance of holy shit I`m going to die or at the very least shatter my bones against something big and sharp and unfriendly, but luckily I made it all the way to the end of the grueling 4 hour course in one piece, minus about 30 bruises on my arms and legs!

Oh, and for those of you who didn`t get the Spinal Tap reference in the title, it`s been ripped from the song "Goat Boy", circa 1996.


Blogger Kokawaii said...

Yeah - I look like a hyper-hypo!! All I need is a harness and I`m good to go!
You`re the DE-VIL!!!

7:26 AM  

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