Tuesday, August 23, 2005

K stands for…

Shiota-cho – Thursday, August 4
…Karate…Inasa Sensei invited me for some delicious sashimi and beeru followed by wiskii and karaoke at this delightful bar in Takeo (next town over). When the barmaid decided to bust out the shoju, broken Japanese ensued, and before I knew it, I was signed up for free Karate lessons at the Inasa Dojo starting in September! For the purpose of this blog, I have decided to omit any reference to the Karate Kid. For now.
…K-car…OK, so I`ll admit that it`s a tad ghetto, so I`ve got it J-pimped out with Hello Kitty paraphenalia (not a lot mind you, just enough to give it some flava – I loves me kitty) and little blinking lights for those disco moments when I feel the need to freak out. It`s hot.

…Kockroach…What? I can spell it like that if I want to! I think that Crunchy (that`s the sound he made) made a friend in the solace of my massive bathroom. I`m not running in love cockroach hotel, dammit! Besides, I can only handle one pet cockroach at a time, so he and his bitch had to be eliminated. Peace out, Crunchy. Maybe Gecko will keep his posse out by the window where they belong.


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