Dragon City Dime Bags for 1,000¥!!!

Saga City Dragonboat Festival – Sunday, August 28
When I heard that there was a Dragonboat festival in town, you had gots to believe I signed up! Here is a FAQ:
Q: Was this really a dragonboat?
A: Well, it wasn`t like the ones I`m used to - the boats had 7 ppl on each side paddling on their knees with a steersperson (my Canadian peep Mike) at the back and a drummer up front (umm, that would be me).
Q: Did you have any practices?
A: Nope. We did a run through 30 minutes before the race. Explanations included “Now this is your paddle. This is how you hold the paddle. This is how you paddle. Dame! Dame! Not like that, like this.” And so forth. That`s right, I was on a boat full of people who did

Q: Who was the coach?
A: Umm, that would also be me.
Q: How long was the course?
A: 250 metres each way – that`s right, we had to turn around!
Q: How did you finish?
A: We won 2 out of 3 races and finished in the top 10 out of 50 teams, bitches!! Awww yeah! The Gaijin`s REPRESENT!
Q: Did you win anything?
A: Hells yes – 8 bottles of sake, 8 bottles of whisky, and a massive bag of rice!! My ichiban number one super prize was the rice – I can feed all of the Gaijin`s in Saga for a month! I`ll sell dime bags of it and make a fortune on the JET black market!